Sunday, 21 November 2010

Tunisia holiday.

 Unknown bird, please can anyone help me?

 These 4 pictures are great grey shrikes.
 These 2 pictures are pictures of spotless starlings.
 This is one spotted flycatcher.

These are a pair of spotted flycatchers.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Arnside knott - 1st August 2010

Scotch argus.
All of these buterflys were seen at Arnside knott.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Rounsea national nature reserve - 1st August 2010.

This is a raft spider .
This is a raft spider withits eggs.
These are ant grubs, we i saw them when i lifted up the metal board.
This is a slow worm, i took apicture of it when i lifted up a metal board.

At this place there was adders but sadly i didnt se any.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Brockholes nature reserve - 21st July 2010.

The top butterfly is a meadow brown and the bottom butterfly is a gatekeeper.
This is the first barn owl i have seen.

White-faced darter - 11th July 2010.

These are all white-faced darters dragonflys.

These are female emerald damselflys

Gait barrows - 4th July 2010.

This is a dark-red hellobrine orchid and was taken at Gait barrows.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Brockholes nature reserve - 27th June 2010.

Bee orchid photo 1.
Bee orchid photo 2.
Bee orchid photo 3.

A call from Mike Foley saying there was a possible sighting of a couple of bee orchids at Brockholes had me grabbing my camera and heading down to help find them. We found 5 orchids which i marked so Sophie (the warden) could find them easy the next day.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

St bees - 20th June 2010.



2 Young Peregrine.
Small blue butterfly.
Small blue butterfly.

The guillemot and the 2 young peregrine were taken at St bees nature reserve, even though we saw 2 small blue buterflys at st bees these photos wern't taken at st bees they were taken at Maryport.