Sunday, 11 April 2010

Lancashire Birding - 4th April 2010

At about 10 in the morning, I set of to Leighton moss to see the marsh harriers, when I got there I spotted my first marsh harrier this year but sadly it was too far away to get a picture. After about 15 minutes it flew of and there was no sign it. So I set of to Warton crag and straight away I saw a peregrine, 1 raven, a kestrel, a lot of jackdaw and a calling chiffchaff. We spent about half an hour at Warton and set of back to Leighton moss and then I saw 3 marsh harriers 2 male 1 female and just got a record shot of one.
 The next stop was Condor and saw mute swan, goldeneye, mallard, lapwing, curlew, 10 oystercatcher, 9 redshank and a couple of tufted duck.
Then I went to pilling lane and saw 2 sparrow hawk diving over my head, sadly I didn’t see it catch anything, also I saw 300+ pink footed geese, 1 little egret, shellduck, 30+ knot and 2 rock dove. On the way home I called into Bradshaw lane feeding station, on the seeds eating them I saw a couple of great and blue tits, skylark, 4 dunnock, chaffinch, shellduck, woodpigeons, collard dove, stock pigeon, a grey heron, swallows, red legged partrige, a kestrel, curlew, a lot of lesser black backed gulls, carrion crow, reed bunting, corn bunting and 9 yellowhammers.


Robs Birding said...

Hi Reece nice photos of the Yellowhammers ,looks like a good days birding

Neil said...

Nice shot of the Marsh Harrier Reece.

Anonymous said...

That seems to have been a really good day out. Mike.